Corporate Social
To maximize results, we collaborate with our owners, customers, government agencies, and other foundations to improve the communities in which we operate.
CBI GLOBAL / Starbucks Foundation / NCBA CLUSA
CoopWASH - Cooperative Water and Sanitation for Health
CoopWASH installed more than 60 village communal gravity-fed and deep well water systems. These provide safe sources of water for 80 percent of community members. The wells have also helped to reduce the workload of women and girls by 75 percent in targeted Aceh and North Sumatra smallholder coffee producer communities.
CBI GLOBAL / McCormick/ PT AgriSpice Indonesia
SCAA - The Sustainable Cooperative Agribusiness Alliance
CBI GLOBAL / McCormick/ Starbucks Foundation/ Keurig
Disaster Relief
In addition, CBI has partnered with organizations including, but not limited to, Starbucks, McCormick, and Keurig Green Mountain to respond to other natural disasters in Central Java, Central Sulawesi, North Sumatra, Timor Leste and Central Aceh.
Partnership with NGO’s
- Infrastructure development (roads, bridges, etc.)
- Technical assistance to improve agriculture production
- Schools